1996 Miracle Yearbook

Photo by Scott Huck Above: Caricatures were a fun part of the evening's events. LEFT:Students file into the trolley in downtown Dayton. Photo by Scott Huck An Evening at the Dayton Art Institute This year the Campus Ac- tivitiesBoardsponsoredanew event which they called"An Evening at the Dayton Art Institute." Attractions in- cluded trolley rides, carica- tures, and a musical perfor- mance by the Carillon Brass. The Carillon Brass played anything from classical to contemporary pieces, en- thralling the audience with their skill as well as their hu- mor. One amusing feature was the piece entitled "But- tercup,"featuring thetuba,as well as the mandolin instru- ment created by placing the opening of one horn inside another. Students also had the op- portunity to view the works ofnumerousgreatartists. The featureartisticexhibition was the "Botticelli to Tiepolo: Three Centuries of Italian Painting," which displayed samplesfromtheRenaissance and Baroque periods. Most paintings portrayed religious themes,such as SaintCecelia atthe harpsichord orthe rais- ing ofLazarus or the martyr- dom of a great saint. The grandeur in size and vivid- ness was very impressive. Other highlights of the evening included Chicago stylehotdogs,NewYorkstyle cheesecake,and a stress-free atmosphere to enjoy with friends. When the evening finallycametoaclose,every- one who attended had re- ceived an excellent cultural experience. Keturah Stork moonlight/dayton art