1996 Miracle Yearbook

atrodt we Photos by Eric Fiveland Thursdays Live Whatbetter placetogoto be withfriends,havefun and hear an inspirational message than to Thurs- daysLive? Thefall eventwas held on November16 and stressed theimportance of havinga passionfor purity. Thisimportanttheme wasdemonstrated by humorousskits,heart-gripping drama,musicand a challenge by Dr.Cheryl Fawcett. Theeventhad the potentialtoimpact manylives in a positive way.The spring Thursdays Live took place on April 18 and guest speaker, Pastor Eric Mounts, closed the evening with achallengetothestudentsaboutmak- ing one's relationship with God real. Both ofthese eveningschallengedthestudentsto livetheirlives in a waythatwould glorify God and were presented in afun,relaxing setting. -Shari Kregel thursdays live