1996 Miracle Yearbook
r ilarkrSAT RIGHT: Dr. Murdoch interviews Mrs. Dixon on how the Lord led her to Cedarville, her accomplishments and retirement. BELOW: The alma mater is sung by the student body to remind us of what we have to be thankful for. Ine spirit of this halloweu be kindled from above, And the joy of serving Chris Lord increase in Christian Cedarville your call fulfill nd t HARTER DA JANUARY 26 1887 Charter Day As we at Cedarville celebrated the college's one hundred ninth birthday on Charter Day at the end of January, the week was marked by a series of memorable chapel services. On Monday, Dr.Dixon brought his annual Charter Weekaddress,reminding us of our roots as a school and recounting stories of the men and women to whom we owe thanks for Cedarville's position today. One of those founding men,Dr. James T. Jeremiah, brought a message on Tuesday,detailing God's hand in his pastas God led him to Cedarville. On Wednesday, Dr. Murdoch interviewed the Monroes and Mrs. Dixon, examining their paths to Cedarville. Theyspoke oftheirown beginnings at Cedarville and approaching retirements. On Thursday, Mr. Harold Strobridge gave us a special treat. He shared his slides and memories of Cedarville from the early 1900's to present. Finally, on Friday, Charter Day was upon us. The faculty attended dressed in their academic regalia,and Dr.James Mont- gomery Boice preached a stirring message on the role of the mind in the Christian life. Fitting, it seemed,to speak of the mind on the very day on which we celebrated one hundred nine years of the shaping and molding of the thousands of minds who have passed through the doors of Cedarville College. Erin Johns Photos by Eric Fivelan ABOVE: Dr. Jeremiah tells how the Lord answered prayers and led Cedarville College from a small Baptist school to what we know it as today. student life
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