1996 Miracle Yearbook
eleanor Taylor If you would like toknow moreabout Miss Eleanor Taylor, ask a member of the women's tennis team about her. If you can't find one of them around, an R.A. in Willetts would surely describe her to you. Or else,a secondary edu- cation major would be happy to tell what MissTaylor is like. How,you ask, do all of these people know Eleanor Taylor? Becauseduring her pasteleven years as a part of the Cedarville Col- lege family, Miss Taylor has built into the lives of manystudentsand cowork- ers as her zeal for service for God has shown transparently through her life. To quote a colleague of Miss Taylor's, "She is a woman who lives for eternity...you don't run into a lot of people like that." Miss Taylor began her time at Cedarville in 1986, when she came to replace Dr.Dwayne Frankfora yearas ateacherofsecondaryeducation meth- odsand asasupervisorforteacherson field experience. Upon Dr. Frank's return, Miss Taylor became the Resi- dent Director of Willetts Dormitory and has served in this position the last ten years. She overseesthe largest group of R.A.'soncampusand haswitnessed the rapid growth other dorm with the additions of Willetts South and North. Almost anyone acquainted with Eleanor Taylor will emphasize one as- pect of her life when describing this godly woman--her aptitudefor spiritual leadership through the instrument of Bible Study. Several years ago she provided Bible studiesforthe women's volleyballteam,and she hasserved as Bible studyleaderforthe women'sten- nis team since her arrival at the 'Ville. Both her IRA. meetings and the team Bible studiesare known foran emphasis on God's Word in its purestsense--scrip- ture memorization, often through the vehicle of scripture songs. Miss Taylor enjoys many sports in- cluding racquetball, golf and walking. Untiltheir untimelyexitto Baltimore,Miss Taylor was an avid Cleveland Browns fan. She also lovesto rootforthe Cleve- lanIdndians and enjoys traveling. She will be taking a trip to Israel next year. Few believe that Miss Taylor will ever actually "retire." She will continue as an adjunct supervisor of student teachers and will remain a faithful servant at her church--Grace Baptist in Cedarville. Eleanor Taylor remains a shining ex- ample of professional and personal ex- cellence. We are grateful for her devo- tion to her Lord and to Cedarville Col- lege, and we wish her all the best in her retirement. And you never know, Miss Taylor--the pigskin maysoon fly again in Cleveland! -Erin Johns Virginia Taylor Virginia Taylor joined the Cedarville College staff in March, 1973,as secre- tary to the President, Dr. James T. Jeremiah. She came to Cedarville from her native West Virginia, having already enjoyed a successful career with the Cabot Corporation. Miss Taylor retired this past autumn after nearly 23 years of service to her Lord atCedarville. After hertenure in the office ofthe President,shedevoted most of her Cedarville career to a variety of positions in the developmentdivision. At retirement,she was Research Assistant tothe Vice Presidentfor Development. Herwork wasdistinguished by herfaith- fulness, her careful attention to detail, and hercontinual questfor excellence. She was always looking for ways to advance the ministries of Cedarville College. Her friends and colleagues think of Virginia Taylor primarily in terms of her heartforGod andfor people. Sheloves the students, and she faithfully prays for students, faculty, and staff mem- bers. She is also known for her gener- osity, for she was continually giving of herself to help others. The defining quality of God-honor- ing stewards is faithfulness (1Corinthinas 4:2). While devoting many years of her life to the steward- ship programs of Cedarville College, Virginia Taylor,in her personalfaithful- ness,exemplified godly stewardship. -Dr. Martin Clark Jim Cato StaffMember ofthesear This year's Staff Member of the Year was Mr.Jim Cato, Director of SwordbearersMusicTeamsand the Local Church Teams. Jim Cato began working at Cedarville Col- lege in August, 1983, with CDR Radio Station,asthe morningshow host. In the summer of 1986, he began his work with the Division of Christian Ministries. During histime in Christian Ministries, he hasseen the local church teamsgrow in min- istry tooverforty churches. Hissinging teams represent the Lord and the Col- lege in nearly 100churcheseach year. Jim Cato is known around campus as a family man and works to create a family-like unit. Whether it is meeting with team leaders and students during the days or holding rehearsals in the evening,his dedication and loveforthe college family has been very evident. In addition to his reponsibilities at the college,Jim has also been actively involved with his home church. From past ministries with the youth choir, Sparky's, and Sunday School teach- ing, to his current responsibilities as Sunday morning worship leader,choir director,and musiccommittee,Jim has faithfully served the Lord with his tal- ents and abilities. Jim, his wife, Melody, their three children,Kristen,Celeste,Grayson,and dog Hershey, live in Cedarville. We thankthe Lordforthe Cab'sandforthe part they play in the Cedarville family - community, church, and college! - Cheryl Miller staff
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