1996 Miracle Yearbook
Left: Students spend hours in the library, but how much time is really spent studying or is it socializing? The library is a quiet place to study, with others around to help. -•••I, Carrie Tyson Rebecca Upham Seth Valentine Rebecca VanLoon Rebecca Vanderground Bethany Vaught Beth Vencill Bradley Voumard Melissa Wabeke Laura Waddell Nettie Waibel Catherine Walcott Beth Walker Lisa Walker Lindsay Wallen John Walton Lisa Wanck John Ward Emily Weber Timothy Webster Carl Weise Jon Wells Michael Wenger Sarah West Andrew White Sarah Whitney Alisa Whitt Christine Wiesert Jennifer Wilk Alissa Williams Christopher Williams Amber Wilson Kelly Wilson Stephanie Wilson Julie Wires Julie Witt Nicole Wolf Aaron Wolfe Jan-Harm Wolters William Woods Donnie Woodyard Cindy Wren Jana Wright Tom Wright Angelina Yeremenko Randy Yinger Kristy Young Liz Young Angela Zinz Tiffany Zirke David Zwan freshmen
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