1997 Miracle Yearbook

Brian ,siudEnt zEadE,, White Ronald Brian White, or Brian as we allknow him,was born in darland, Texas,Octo- ber 21, 1975. He lived there for three and a half years with his mother, father and older sister Wendi. Then after a six month stint in Ra- leigh, North Carolina,the White fam- ily settled in Chesapeake, Virginia where they have lived ever since. Brian comesfrom a family of educators. His father is an administrator of Greenbrier Christian Acad- emy and his mother is a lan- guageartstherapist. Hissister isajuniorhighschoolteacher, andBrianisaCommunication Arts major with an emphasis in Speech Education. He would like to go to graduate school and pursue a Masterof Arts degree in Communica- tion,andeventuallyteach high schoolorcollege. Asidefrom academics,Brianlovessports. Basketball is a favorite: not just watching, but also play- ing and coaching. He also enjoys politics. In ten years, Brian sees himselfteaching or in an administrative position ateitherthe high school orcol- lege level. He says that mar- riage and children are possi- bilities, as is a dog. He would like to live in Virginia, but is willing to go whereverthe Lord leads him. While enrolled at Cedarville, Brian wasin- volved in a widearrayof activities. He was on the 1994 Australia Team, and was a SwordsExtensionteamleader. His participation in student government has been broad, and has ranged from member- ship on the Constitutions and ElectionsCommitteehisfresh- man yearto hiselection as Stu- dent Government Association President. HewasontheCam- pus Activities Board hisjunior year,and is a three-time small groupleaderforGettingStarted and Winter Games Orienta- tions. Brian is alsoathree year debate team veteran. Brian hopes that he will leave some- thing at Cedarville that people willrememberhim by:alegacy ofgoodleadership,andthefact that he tried to make a differ- ence. Enc fiveland Meaghan Lemke studEnt rEadtts 107