1997 Miracle Yearbook

Emily Dizer Guna Doerr Jason Doese Damon Douridas Kelly Drager Jodi Lynn du'Monceaux Susan J. Dunham Bryan Dye Rachel M.Dyer Bryan Emanuel Jon Emery Jocelyn Endsley Roxanne England Rachel English Kimberly Ervin Rutledge Etheridge Brent Ferguson Noella Fisher Rebecca Fissel Eric Fiveland Greg Flory Sonya Rondelle Fogliani Daniel Forness Tedd Forrest Ben Forshee Julie Forstrom Jori Forward Jolie Fourman Heather Fraker Bethany Frank Nathan Freeman StephanieFriemel Doreen Erika Fuhr Jess E. Gamiere Nick Gapinski Brian G.Gardner Jennifer Ann Gardner Tanya Gardner 722 acadunici When the sun comes out so do the students. Right: John Grapentine,playing guitar,and MarkWyse,onthedrums,enjoy the nice weather by making music. Below: Christina Lay and Brett Frey tour campus on a bicycle built for two.