1997 Miracle Yearbook
Scott Huck Cww-nEd witfi Li j raLynn Ludwigwas crowned Homecoming Queen on Saturday, October 12,atthe 1996Royalty Banquet. She is a se- niornursing major,and whileshe describes her life asordinary,it isfar from boring. She lives in Brook- lyn,NewYorkwithher parents, three older brothers, and cat named Pokey. Al- though she's from the city, Sara enjoys the outdoors, and likes to play soccer and gofor hikes. Becauseherfatheris a Baptist pastor, Sara knew about Cedar- ville, but she chose to apply to several state schools first. When she visited the Cedar- 6 .9(Etula4.crStoli ville campus, its slower pace andthefriendlystudentscaught her attention. The Christian atmosphere is what convinced her to attend. This year, as she is prepar- ing for graduation, Sara says that her spiritual growth and her close friends rank as the most important parts of col- lege thatshe willtake with her. Sara tells an amusing story abouthernominationasHome- coming Queen. As her father broughtSaratocollegeherfirst year, he told her to work hard and to become class valedicto- rian and Homecoming Queen. Sara immediately dismissed thisidea. Shedid notrecall her father's words when, during herjunior year,several friends nominated her for Queen. These friends raised enough support,andthefollowingsum- mer,Sara received aletter stat- ing thatshe had been chosen as a candidate. Her first reaction was terror at the prospect of speaking in front of the entire student body. Sara decided that God had something importantfor her to share with herfellow students. During her chapel speech,she told the college family about her internal conflict over her major. Dreaming of one day becominganurse,shehadstud- ied hard and looked forward to her clinical experience. She fearedthatherdreamhadended when, beginning her clinical work,she discovered that she could not stomach the actual hands-on practice. She began to despair over what God wanted her to do if she could not use her nursing skills. The turning point occurred on her MIS trip to Togo,West Africa. Sarasuddenlyfeltcon- fident to complete her nursing responsibilities and saw that Scott Huck 14 tud.t fifE Scott Huck
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