1997 Miracle Yearbook
God could use her to minister to the patients there. Being Homecoming Queen has filled this year with excit- ing memories,but Sara is also ready to begin "real life." She will miss the many friends she has made at college, but after four years, she knows that the time hascome to apply all that she has gained here. She ad- vises underclassmen to take one-hundredpercentadvantage ofthe academic and friendship opportunitiesatCedarville,and to getinvolved with ministries. All of these things will have a positive influence and willfol- low students long after they leave college. Right,queen: Sara Ludwig is a se- nior nursing major. Her life verse is Ps.28:7a,"TheLORDis mystrength and my shield; my heart trusts in him,and I am helped." Bottom left: Cindy Parsons, from Charleston, West Virginia,is an or- ganizationalcommunications major. Cindy is interested in missions,and herlife verseisPhilippians3:8. Bot- tom center: Krystal Bailey is an ac- counting majorfrom Marshalltown, Iowa. Her ambition is to obtain her CPA and use her skills in the minis- try.Bottomright:PaulaFarisisfrom Jackson, MI, and majors in broad- casting with an emphasis in televi- sion production. She is interning at CNNSI this spring.(Opposite page) Upper left: Sarah Gross,junior at- tendant. Bottom left: Jennifer Tegtmeier, sophomore attendant. Bottom center: Geneva Roberts, freshman attendant. Bottom right: Alissa Whitten is an organizational communicationsmajorfromRomeo, MI. She plans to pursue a career in law after working corporately for a few years. Psalm 145 is one of her favorite passages. komzeoming toray 15
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