1997 Miracle Yearbook
111111=1111=1•111111111•1•1 athlian&Ylinithizi Cedarvillefocuses heavilyon training studentstoservein their local church and community. The Christian Ministries Depart- ment is organized to provide students with a wide range of opportunities in the surrounding community. The programs are divided into eight categories: Counseling, Evangelism/Urban Outreach,Tutoring,Youth,Correctional,Hospital,Visitational, and Local Church. Atthe beginning ofevery year,students are given information abouteach available ministry and encouraged to participate. This year Community Ministries has a new director,former ResidentDirector,JeffBeste. Hisgoalisto makethe department more organized,and to help train the studentleaders to be better at what they do. Involvementin ministry providesthe student with an opportu- nity for personal and spiritual growth while touching lives with the love of Christ. From street witnessing to working with AWANA children,there are dozens of opportunities available. Being part of a Christian Ministry group is one of the best memoriesthatmanystudentswilltake withthemfrom Cedarville. Sara Bosaw Eric Fiveland go:Afton mints/11AI dinar'153
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