1997 Miracle Yearbook
7itst Baptist, a/4 City Team memberstaughtSunday School, youth group, and children'schurch,andledsome music services. row 1: Tim Flowers,Tim Miller,Nikki Luckman,Mike Lewis. 7itBaptist, (Wilmington This team helped with junior church,Sunday School for all ages, nursery, choir, worship service,and the youth group. row 1: RachelDyer,MaryBeth Powell. Faryl Sandy. row 2: Steve Slates. David Mills, Chris Recktenvald. not pictured: Sarah Jenks. 7 1251 REf02172£ d Theteam led children'schurch. row 1: Laura Waddell, Holly Barnett, Rebekah Sorensen. row 2: Emily Bishop, Amanda Mudrey, Raymond DewarIII,Stephanie Gleason,Christina Ream, notpictured: Kim Boesch, Rebecca Leatherman. 160 miniihici
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