1997 Miracle Yearbook

C:4012E dfiallEf Thissmallteam ministered toa small, new church in Piqua. Members helped with music, piano playing,Sunday School, and junior church. row 1: Nathan Stephens, Erica Lynn White,Jenny Larson,Amy Stowers. C4iElitay£ EfrOti714111 Theteam led AWANA and the youth group, and provided a pianistfor the services. row 1: Scott Meek, Brian Caldwell, Russ Pound,Amy Hutchison. GNECAT C:34012£ Community autc4 Team members worked with preschool and junior church children. row 1: Jonathan Hammond,NikkiTho- mas,Andrea Endicott,Chris Moles. rninishies 163