1997 Miracle Yearbook
(YSoar ,SlIzing eentEl Twice a week,students helped children and disabled people ride horses. RebeccaRitzel,Tiffany Burgett,Philip Lehman,Michele High,Jen Kerr. not pictrued: Sarah Holesovsky. Sp'anfiL'd gutozing Membersparticipatedininner- city tutoring and mentoring programs at Hayward Middle School and Springfield South High School. row 1:BethanyDeGraw,KimMcKenzie, Amy Nichols,Rachel J.Stewart,Allison Justice. row 2: TamiSee,AndreaOsterc, Tammy Stark, Stephen Kline, Tiffany Hamilton,ChristinaBaley.row3:Connie Schwartz,Summer Schafer, Emily We- ber,RobKocher,SallishaCowell,Heather Smith,Erica Jenkins,Denis Jordan,Tini Flowers,Jason Cirone,Aaron Ponzani. _Zion' _rig& This team worked in both Co- lumbusand Dayton,evangeliz- ing and helping Jewish immi- grants from the former Soviet Union learn English. row 1: Karin Rice, Rachel Brengel. row 2: Vianna Kreuder-Crowell, Bethany Vaught, Jonathan Weber, Heather Fourman,Sara Gedraitis. row 3: RachelMorris,Julie Jaskilka,Jessica MacPherson, Jeffrey Starkey, Amber Seely. miniittizi 779
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