1997 Miracle Yearbook

ogssoeiation of gnfottna- lion aefinorogiEs gizo- fesiionars prepares Com- puter Information System majors for a career in data processing by acquainting them with professionalsinthe field as well as with various hardware and software. DPMA is responsible for the Cactus BBS. Charis Perez,Angie Letson. c;‘S'SliE is a student chap- teroftheAmericanSocietyof MechanicalEngineers,which educates members about as- pects ofthe engineering pro- fession. row 1:DebbiePittman,JessicaGerber, Amy Morse, Ann Weeks. row 2: Brent Ridley, Jeff Breneman, Jan- HarmWolters,AndyLawrence,Andy Heyd,Lonny Cooper,Nathan Lewis, Chris Nolt. BEta efii provides service opportunitiesforitsmembers who either major in broad- casting or are interested in the field. row 1: Sara Miller,Deborah Woods, Patty Noble,AmyCartzendafner.row 2: Steve Garcia, Sean Cottrill, Josh Snyder, Emily Williams, Michael Koerbel. row 3: Shannon Boynton. Nancy McMillan, Craig Magnum Mark Allen, Joel Landis, Philip Wallis, Jennifer Rogers, Ellen Burkhard. otganizations 7S9