1997 Miracle Yearbook

Beta fic) .efta, the Ger- man Club,encourages inter- estin and supportofmissions in German-speaking coun- tries,fosters awareness ofthe culture, and provides an op- portunityforstudentstoprac- tice speaking German. row 1:Darla Anthony,Sarah Simons, Debbie Pittman, Woody Simons (advisor). row 2: David Hassenzahl, Andrew Marshall,Jan-Harm Wolters, David Carl,Gordon Rodgers. eec..)/A)e (Cedarville Col- lege Amateur Radio Club) provides communication,by voiceorMorseCode,between missionary parents and their children on campus. Steve Keary,Katie Carlton, Jennifer Tie!, Joel Dean. ee ,./?Ei.gticani stimulate interest, involvement and leadership in political affairs, keep members and other stu- dents informed about politi- cal issues, and do it with a Christian emphasis. Valerie Ashurst, Wendy Passineau, Jenny Coble,Christy Taylor. 190 olganizationi vitiv