1997 Miracle Yearbook

ColiE9E721nitEl _J TayET edarville College rec- ognizes prayer as one of the essential components of the Christianwalk.Everyyear,two morningsaresetasideforspe- cialtimesofprayer. October 30 brought stu- dents,faculty,andstafftogether on the nationalDayofPrayer. Studentsandtheiradvisorsmet insmallgroupsat8:30and11:30; prayerwasfocuseduponindi- vidual students' personal and familyneeds. Duringchapel,musiciansfrom Grace Baptist Church led the collegefamilyinworship,prais- ingGodforthefreedomtogather publicly in prayer.Dr.Dixon prayed for students' unsaved parentsandgrandparents,and Brian White,SGA President, prayedfortheseniorclass. gy efiatis Etez Dr. Robert Gromacki con- ducted the chapel message.He askedthequestion"Arewewill- ing to accept rebuke when we know we have sinned?" Dr. Gromacki emphasized the im- portance ofdistinguishing sor- rowfromrepentance,and chal- lenged the college family to examine their attitudes and re- lationships,toconsidergrudges held, and to become aware of theirown shortcomings. May 1 was the second ob- servation ofthe Day ofPrayer. The Campus Activities Board sponsored a prayer breakfast. Dr. David Drullinger spoke from I Tim.2:1.His points fo- cused on the Priority, People, Particulars, and Purposes of prayer. The basic pattern of prayerdevelopmentisself,God, others,and the unsaved. Chapelwasaspecialblend ofworship,prayer,anddevo- tion.Thecallto worship was broughtbythe Jubilatechoir with the songs "No Doubt AboutIt"and"JesustheVery ThoughtofThee."Jim Cato led the worship time, which wasinterspersed withspecial- focusprayers. JohnAllenHayspresented achallengingdevotionalonma- ture prayer.Beforeinterced- ingfor others,one mustdeal withthesinofhisownlife,for sin creates a separation be- tween youand yourGod"(Is 59:2). Eric Fiveland 22 ituld fife VIIIV