1997 Miracle Yearbook
As basketball players race up and down the court, several voices call out "Cedarville, Cedarville, what do you say?" The crowd replies with a deafen- ing,"We back the Jackets all the way!" The enthusiasm is invigorating. Somer- saulting, back-flipping, and performing intricategroupstunts,Cedarville'scheer- leaders make sure that everybody gets into the game. Although the crowd only sees the cheerleaders' role during the actual games,each memberonthecheerleading team can attest to the hours of commit- ment surrounding the basketball events. Tryouts begin in September. After the six men and six women learn that they have made itonto the squad,they begin a schedule of rigorous practices, which continue in oneform or another until the final gamehas been played in the middle of March. According to Monica Mennenga, the coach of the team, the group spends three or four evenings to- gether each week;due to their busy indi- Stack'em High Cheerleading vidual schedules,these practices usually occur late at night. The cheerleaders do not limit them- selves to practices and games,however. Throughout the year they hold private cheerleading clinics at several local schools. These events provide a special opportunity for reaching out to the com- munity and encouraging younger cheer- leaderstocontinueto workon their skills and to use their talents. Also, an addi- tional cheerleading squad cheers for all ofthe freshman teams and the women's team games. Participating in cheerleading is ap- pealing for those who love the game of basketball and enjoy athletic challenges. Itrequiresanenormousamountofagility and balance, and excellent tumbling skills. Thesquad alsoenjoystraveling to other schools for away games. Monica'slong history ofcheerleading testifies to the sense of fulfillment and excitement that comes from being in- volved on the team. She had her first cheerleading experience at the age of two. She has participated on the team during all four of her years here at Cedarville. In her current capacity of coach,shehastheaddedresponsibilityof scheduling the practices, arranging the squad's role in the away games,and tak- ing care ofthe uniforms. She considers this preparation for future jobs, as she finishes her senior year in June with a physical education degree. Doug Amundson,senior finance ma- jor and guys'captain forthe team,began cheerleading during his sophomore year at college. He wanted to keep in shape and to do something extracurricular dur- Eric Fiveland row 1(1-r):BeckyRoche,MoniqueShoaf,Carmon Huddleson,MonikaMennengae,LoriBrown,Kelly Grady(Sarah Hennisnotshown). row 2:Douglas Amundson,Josh Sherwood,Mike Morris,Scott Vandergrift,Tom Sanderson,Pete Sutton. 222 adtdias
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