1997 Miracle Yearbook

Closing Another year is over, and things have settled down at Cedarville; the events offall quarter seem so long ago. The Ministry Centeris such afamiliar partofcampusthatit's hard to remember the old willow tree and benches where the driveway now runs. Thenewfacultyarefamiliarfacesandthe freshmen don't seem quite so... well, freshman-like. The changes that made this year unique blur into previous years: new friends have become old friends,and whatbegan as new experiences are now only memories. But there is still change to come. Graduating seniors can look forward to stepping out of Cedarville's bubble,a pros- pect both frightening and exciting. September will bring a new crop of freshmen who will begin again the four-year cycle ofgrowth and change,and the college will continue to reorganize and adjust to meet the future. Life may become familiar, but it will never be boring. Asweend this year,someofus planning to return,someof usknowing we won't,it's hard toknow whatthoughttoleave with you. In the opening pages, we said that the theme "PreciousJewels"representsbothourmemoriesofCedarville and the kinds of works with which we build our lives. But even more importantly,we should also remember that Christ has said that we,as His people,are also precious stones. We are the materials out of which He is building His Church, whether here or outin the wide world. MattSherwood Eric Fiveland efoiing dividzt 241