1997 Miracle Yearbook

(11VfiEn C74E comEtfi, wfiErz c7L1 E coirzEtfi, to inakE up Al f EwEL, aft "EWE& plEC10121 1E07E11, Al[0Ed and othi. own. G7 1 E wff9atfiET,oitE willjailzEvfiE9Erni107 4L kin9cloirz, afftfiE Ms:4' p UTE onzi,afttfiE gli9fiton, fou-Ed anc1Alown IV& hiclizEn, [(HEE cfitfctiEn, wfio fou-E REciEE172ET, aTE gE plECIOU5_ CAJ, 10t Ed arm: c:Ail own. ZikEg ta71 oftfiE rnoInin9, Jh Ai9fitc-town aciolnin9, gE 9E tfiE1T gEaut , 9, Lii j IL 256 cfolirly\''''