1997 Miracle Yearbook

.114i,o..Lia2i.07c- ar_E Lc:LT(4[E With the opening of the Dixon Ministry Center this year, the Campus Activities Board selected an unusually diverse line-up of performers for the annual Concert Series as a celebration ofthe new fa- cility. Thefirst majorconcertcame with the grand opening of the DMC on Homecoming Week- end;thecollegefamilyand visi- tors were treated to a two-part concertbyStephenNielsonand Ovid Young, and the Cathe- drals. Nielson and Young are a duo-piano ensemble who have sevenrecordingsand three vol- umes of arrangements to their credit;they played a wide vari- ety of classical and popular music.Following their portion of the concert, the Cathedrals switched musical styles, sing- ing a lively array of southern gy SKatt gospel music. Glen Payne and GeorgeYounce,originalmem- bers of the Cathedrals, and Ernie Haas,Scott Fowler,and Roger Bennett, who joined in 1979, gave an energetic per- formance and delighted the au- dience with theircomic behav- ior and powerful testimony. On January 14, the Colum- bus Symphony Orchestra, un- der conductor PeterStafford Wilson,performed an evening of classical music and Broad- way favorites. Wilson imme- diately captured the attention and imagination of the audi- ence with his dry humor and hisconversationalexplanations of the musical selections. December5 brought with it a Christmas concert by the Canadian Brass. Charles Daellenbach,JensLindemann, DavidOhanian,RonaldRomm, and Eugene Watts played clas- sical, Christmas, and popular music colored by their unique soundand wit.Amongthemost popular pieces of the evening was Peter Schikele's Homsmoke, a brass"opera"in which each musician donned a western costume and acted out a part while playing. The King's Singers per- formed on February 21.David Hurley, Nigel Short, Bob Chilcott, Philip Lawson, Gabriel Crouch, and Stephen Connollyform oneofthe most sought-after and highlyac- claimed vocalensemblesin the world. Steve Green concluded the Concert Series on May 3. He performed selections from his newest album, The Letter, and favorites from his previous re- cordings. Eric Fiveland 30studEntfife ItifY