1997 Miracle Yearbook
Eric l'iveland cSIEnioTi, tarEnti, There were four recitalists from the Communication Arts Department this year. Jamin Ferner presented "Vincent," a piece about the life of Vincent Van Gogh written by Leonard Nimoy. Christina Jackson chose the theme"Memories of Father;" she used several se- lectionsthatexaminedhow our fathers, or the absence of a father,affectusthroughoutour lives. Elizabeth Roseboom titled her performance "Life: A Journey ofChanging Roles. Eric Sorensen condensed Les Miserablesby VictorHugointo a presentation lasting an hour and twenty minutes. Twelve students from the Department of Music per- formed recitals. Jessica Schuring sang pieces in Ger- man,French,andRussian.Chet 6,Matt S'fielwood Jenkins focused on 20th Cen- tury music by French compos- ers for his saxophone recital. Jill Brown's voice recital in- cluded several pieces of Re- naissance music accompanied by guitar, and Brahms' Alto Rhapsody requiring a chorus ofsixteen men to sing with her. BradIlliancentered hisvoice recital on the theme of Christ, Kimberly Miller played selec- tions for piano by Haydn and Debussy. Her instructor, Dr. Mortensen, believes that Miller'sperformancemayhave been the first time this piece wasever played in Ohio,ifnot the entire Midwest. Sara Clayton wanted to rep- resent a wide variety of music from different periods in his- tory for her flute recital; she used Baroque,Impressionistic, French Romantic, and 20th Century pieces. Chris Pagnard's trumpet recital in- volved a number of classical and 20th-Century pieces; he also had the unique opportu- nity to have his father,Profes- sor Charles Pagnard, perform in the recital with him. Lane Dykman played selections by Chopin, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff for his piano recital. Josh Rupp sang pieces in French,English, German,and Italian, including four opera arias by Leoncavallo, Mozart, and Gounod, and Ralph Vaughn Williams' Five Mys- ticalSongs.Stephen Estep per- formed a series of difficult pi- ano selections by Bach, Schumann,Shostakovich, and Beethoven. Eric Fiveland Eric Fiveland sEnio% ucitati 35
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