1997 Miracle Yearbook

oqn g172111Elia7E OTOLlp ome may wonder how one gets to be in "Who's Who." While many arrive at the'Ville with visionsofbeing class president,oravarsity ath- lete, not too many students set out with aspirationsofbeingin "Who's Who." For most stu- dents, Who's Who comes as a surprise. Theselection processbegins every year with acommittee of faculty and students gathering together to narrow down the five hundred and some gradu- atingseniorstoagroupofabout fifty. This group is evaluated on the basis of accademic ex- cellence, extra curricular ac- tivity, ministry involvement, and campus leadership. The fifty studentschosen atthe end of this project become mem- bersoftheWho'sWhoAmong Studentsin America'sColleges and Universities. Among the honors that ac- company membership in this organization are a beautifully calligraphied certificate, the opportunity to purchase an $80.00 volume listing every otherWho'sWhomember,and the chanceto participate in one of the most memorable chap- els at Cedarville College. This year's Who's Who chapel was orchestrated by Krista Price,Senior communi- cation arts major. Planning for this event began early during Winter quarter and continued right up until the week before, as skits were revised to more thoroughly convey this year's theme,"sieze the day." "Sieze the day" was chosen as the theme in order to chal- lenge underclassmen to getin- volved in any way they can. Activities animated through- out this chapel included; Get- ting Started, ministry opportu- nities, intramural sports, on- campus employment (namely Chuck's), and more. Lori Anderson and a cast of many entertained us with their rendi- tion of Maria's "goodnight" songfromTheSoundofMusic. The pinnacle ofthe morning may be said to have been the "cheerleader skit" by Krista Price and John Maskill. With mentions of Cedars,engineer- ing majors, and the forensics team, Krista and John had the chapel roaring with laughter. Memorable quotes included "Sink or Swim!," "Sidewalk Talk!" and "who's that girl sinkin' next to me?""It's me, it's me!" The Who'sWhochapel was capped off with a video ofev- ery Who'sWho member.Se- nior broadcasting major Paula Farris put in unmeasureable time into shooting and editing this video to Carolyn Arends' song "Sieze the Day." Eric Fiveland Above: Fraulein Maria,Lori Anderson,sings with the von Trapp children. 48 itudent fife titt