1997 Miracle Yearbook

° Mike Aprice gfiE ..SItCLYZy 00E1a ILJ n May 23,Cincinnati's Westin Hotel hosted the an- nual Cedarville College Jun- ior/SeniorBanquet.Almost700 well-dressedpeopleloadedtheir cameraswithfilmandheadedto FountainSquare. Atapproximately 5:00p.m., people began to arrive.Theen- tirelobbywasreservedanddeco- rated for the pre-dinner recep- tion.Professionalphotographers took pictures ofthe couples as well as a picture of the entire seniorclass. At6:30,a dinnerof chicken with mustard sauce, white and blackrice,salad,carrotsandas- paraguswasservedinthePresi- dentialBallroom,followedbyan gy Sttie gcncia hour-longintermission.Afterthe intermission,coffeeanddessert wereserved. Laterin theevening,theJun- ior/Seniorcommitteepresented theSeniorTribute,a 17-minute slide show accompanied by varioussongs.Followingtheslide show,seniors Krista Price and John Maskillpresentedthefirst Senior Hallmark -- a hilarious retrospectivelookonfouryears ofCedarville life. They pulled itemsofmemorabiliafromabox, eachitemasymboloftheirgreat- est memories.After pullingout thelastitem,acheer-leadingout- fit,PriceandMaskillperformed theirinfamouscheerleadingact. AftertheSeniorHallmark,the emcee welcomed Michael O'Brien.O'Brienentertainedthe audiencewithhislivelymusicand hisgenuinehumor.Hesurprised theaudiencebyincludingajug- glingactinhisprogram,oneofhis lesser-known talents. Senior Chris Rudolph helped with the act. On a more serious note, O'Brien said, "You may not like my music,but you have to respectmymessage."Hisheart for the Lord was evident and was magnified by his moving testimony and gospel presen- tation.O'Brien closed with the themesongfortheevening,"The Story GoesOn." Mike Aprice ancluet 51