1997 Miracle Yearbook

Eric Fiveland EcEption at tfiE xon ot-totrzE e n Sunday, May 18, Dr. and Mrs. Dixon opened their home for the annual reception honoring the graduating class. Over the course of the after- noon, more than 400 seniors rode out to the estate for re- freshmentson thelawn and the chance to tour the house. The event was planned by Dick Walker and the Campus Activities Board, and was ca- 6 Slitat,g,,wood tered by Chuck's.CAB mem- bers drove shuttle vans on a continuous rotating schedule, bringing new groups to the house, and taking previous groups back to campus. All plans went well; even the weather cooperated. It began to rain only as the reception broke up around 5:00. Between glasses of punch and the occasional quick trip inside to check the basketball scores, Dr. and Mrs. Dixon posed for hundreds of pictures with individuals, pairs, and large groups of students who wanted to commemorate the afternoonandthe previousfour years.The relaxed atmosphere was also perfect for seniors to gatherin groupsandchatabout pastmemoriesandfutureplans. Eric Fiveland dixons TEeeption 53