1997 Miracle Yearbook

--Stuciznt -rifE Influential rococo painters, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, ligaments attached to the knee,and the semantic range ofthe word "walk." College is a constant barrage of facts and theories. But,as any student will tell you,there is a lot more to life at Cedarville than academics. For the outdoor adventurer,John Bryan State Park and the historic Indian Mound are a short trek away. Several local malls have enough variety to satisfy the habitual shopper. Dayton, Cincinnati, and Columbus offer theaters and muse- ums. There are dozens of concerts to choose from, both on campusand off.Paintballing,skiing,bowling,androllerskating facilities can all be found nearby, and students keep several pizza places in business. For those with a mind closer to home,the campus offers a number of ways to forget homework. Intramural sports, intercollegiate games,racquetball,and pick-up basketball are as close as the gym. The Gavelyte offers a place to hang out and play board games,ping pong,or pool. Perhaps the most memorable times in college are those in the dorm, with its impromptu wrestling matches, late night talks, unit and hall meetings,and the dozens of close friend- ships that form over the years. Mixing with our fellow students remains the best part of college. Keturah Stork studzat fife divide 7