1998 Miracle Yearbook

by Ruthanne Pierson X tember 17, 1994, marked the warrn fall day when 658 freshmen stepped onto the green grass of Cedarville ege,no longer high schoolers,yet barely college students. The day began as students pulled up to the Athletic Center ini vans carrying all their worldly belongings. They wereimmediately marauded byabee and given a balloon. It was that their fun really began—they stood in lines. Lines would continue to mark their college experience,but every eymusthaveastarting point. Inthese early linesandin Getting Started groups,friendshipsformedastheydesperately to remember the myriad ofnames,faces, majors,hometowns,and abbreviations ofbuildings. Attheir firstfall Bible Conference,Warren Wiersbespoke about"AbundantLiving." Thefreshmen quicklyrealized ifthey wanted a seat on those harvest-gold pews,they would have to arrive early. Some were even sent to satellite tions where they watched chapel on the big screen. Manywere frustrated becausethey couldn'tdrive,and quickly familiarized themselves with any upperclassmen who wheels. After homecoming,many ofthe freshmen took their dates to Mom and Dad's Dairy Barfor dessert—where could you go? Those early days were spent lounging by the tennis courts,which used to be by the lake.Ifyou were ing for the action, that was found outside of Printy dorm. The unseasonably warm sununer facilitated groups gregating on those famous Printy benches. The class of1998 hascome a long way on theirjourney through their college experience,butthejourney is not over It's onlyjust begun. Blackburn K darville's seniors experience a reminder of their freshman group pic. Here they are pictured after their last class chapel as seniors. 1998senior pic 117