1998 Miracle Yearbook

0 by Ruthanne Pierson ,,V41e. 0/4 t76e/4410./4 SeniorReception at the Dixon's ith the grass freshly cut and dandelion free,the Dixon's welcomed the graduat- ing senior class of 1998 to their home. Shifts ofvans shuttled the seniors to the Dixon's home where they had the opportunity to visit with the Dr.and Mrs.Dixon, enjoy refreshments provided as always by Pioneer Food Service,and spend one last time saying good-bye to friends. Students could mingle outside and enjoy the warm,humid afternoon, or peruse inside the Dixon's spacious house. For many,it was the first time in the president's home. Pictures where taken by the famous hammock,with Dr.and Mrs.Dixon,and with specialfriends. Mostly,it wasarelaxing timeto enjoyfriends and say good-bye and thank to Dr.and Mrs.Dixonfor all theirleadership andinvestmentin the lives of the seniors. Asusual,Dr.and Mrs.Dixon were exceptionalhostsandthe studentsleft one step closer to graduation. g r. and Mrs.Dixon enjoy their afternoon with the seniors. Here they are pictured with Jason Malone,Scott Shaw,Phil Wallis,and Matt Rexford. dixon's reception 125