1998 Miracle Yearbook

By Angela Lenhart • WV-4/4e) Fall Play 1997 -/ heDepartmentofCom- e_67— munication Arts and Director David H. Robey presented Scott McPherson's play, Marvin's Room,on November 13-15, 1997, in Alford Auditorium. Thethemeofthe play washopein the midst ofdespair. Marvin'sRoom gave us a realistic accountofonefamily'sstrugglethrough aterminalillness.Theplaytook placein variouslocationsofFloridaandOhioin the 1980's. Featured in the play are Bessie and Lee,two sisters who have notseen orheardfrom oneanotherfor quite some time. Bessie is a single woman whohasspentthe past20years caring for her dying father, Marvin,and her crippled Aunt Ruth. Lee is a single parent with two troubled sons. The crisis began when a doctor diag- nosed Bessie with leukemia.Becauseshe A/reed6,444 aleeda A ri4e;deadv,)-toal dk.r4a6?,.. needed abone marrow transplant,her sis- ter and nephews had their bone marrow tested.The situation caused thefamily to grow closerin hopethatoneoftheir bone marrow types would match Bessie's In the end, they found that nothin matched. Despite Bessie's circum stances,sheremained content with he life. The play presented the many ob stacles thisfamily had to overcome af ter Bessie's diagnosis, as well as th lifestyle contrasts between thetwosis ters.Loveand selflessnesscontribute to Bessie's happiness throughout he life whileLee'sselfishnessdestroyedman ofher years. Marvin's Room also aroused emo tions; tears were intertwined wit laughter. It was a play that showe some of the harder issues of life: parenting, aging, and the reality o death. • ThecastofMarvin'sRoom-FrontRow(L-R): C.BrandonPalmer,JeremyRyanBrown,HeidiJoDean;MiddleRow:SaraMarieRomang,Stacy Marie Saville,JoannaL.Robinson;Back Row:MichaelLeon Dorsey,Julie Forstrom,Jeremy Pierre,and Caleb J.Smith. 150 campus life