1998 Miracle Yearbook
Chris Vitarelli, as Sam Posner,presents flowers and a gift-wrapped package to Hannah Mandelbaum (Heidi Jo Dean)asIdaelaKantor(MarthaFailor)looksoninexaspera- tion(right). Jacoby FaJ-/ azkd Yife eele-/, IsabelleGrossman IdaelaKantor(Bubbie) HannahMandelbaum TylerMoss SamPosner EastsideDeliveryMan Director JessicaWagner MarthaFailor HeidiJoDean* DanielChristianScott* ChristopherJ.Vitarelli* CalebJ.Smith* MischelleL.McIntosh* *Denotes memberofAlphaBetaPhiCedarville College chapter of the national theatre honorary society; Alpha Psi Omega theatre organization. Isabelle Grossman(Jessica Wagner) shares an intimate conversation with Tyler Moss(Daniel Scott)in the bookstore(right). 152 campus life la Bubbie(Martha Failor)looks on disgustedly as Heidi Jo Dean,playing Hannah Mandelbaum,devours the contents ofBubbie's kitchen(left). Jac(
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