1998 Miracle Yearbook

-- ••••1•F Fostering Friendships Description: Spending time weekly with a foster chilcVfamily inaninformalsetting F: Melissa Wamer, Casey Platt, Kristen Gault, Andrea Dieringer M:Dan Wyma,David Rooke, Cliff Reynolds B:Jennifer Gordon, Lesley Grow, Mark Wood,Greg Thomp- son,Dave Hewitt,Jayme Brower, Amber Corbin, Ruth V. Back Greene County CPC Description:Counselingwomenin crisis pregnancies on the sanctity ofhuman life F: Amanda Mullen, Erin Barker, Christi Compton, Catherine Walcott B:SandySwales,JaimeWyntzen, Cheyenne Leslie, Adrianne Eads, Amber Corbin ••• .4-41111 Intonational Friendships Description:Sharing the Gospel with the children of international studentsfrom the OhioState Uni- versity F: Edwin Bett. Roy Ndiangui, KouichiIkeda M:EstherLoh,SonwooLee,JaneIle Baker,Jamie Sell,Joy Carl,Edith Granillo Notpictured:Ben Nordaas,Holly Barnett, Fernanda Fernandez, RebeccaThamagan all photw, by DaVor outreach and youth ministries 189