1998 Miracle Yearbook

all photos by DaVor 104 ministries Greene County Jail Description: Reaching out to adult and teen inmates through counseling and Bible study. F: David Hofrt, Adam Rorex,Eri Sheldon M: Gillian Gombis, Melliss Wabeke, Angela Meredith B: Jason Isaacs, Chris Smit Michael Wenger, David Coo Jason Alexander, Ed Weniger David Harrison Greene County Juvenile Detention Description: Ministering to teen inmates through coun- seling and Bible study. F: Karen Jacobsen, Jenni Kerr, Carrie Jones, James Klind M: Jill Breckenfeld, Lindsey Milne, Paul Gwilt, Phil Ausfahl B: Joyce Boggs, Micah Thirey, Ryan Stevens, Ken Borror, Sam Logan Greene County Resi- dential Reatment Center Description: Trying to reha- bilitate teens through big brother/big sister ministry. F: Jon Rauch, Haylee Biggs, Jenni Kerr, Dave Wilson M: Marlena Bantle, Gina Doerr, Debbie Ellison, Elizabeth Barker B: Jon Schultz, Brad Neese, Michael F. Boehm, Andrew A. Hedges, Troy Pfeiffer