1998 Miracle Yearbook

by Andrew Gingrich chapels Focusing on Desire and Discipline Fiveland Jason Malone was this year's SGA chaplain. He chal- lenged thestudentbodytobecome moreChristlike through his messages on desire and discipline. (above) Scott Moody assists Jason in a sermon on the armor of God. This mayhave beenthe firsttimethe helmetofsalvation was represented with cheese. (right) 20 student hie E ntering the chapel on many Fridays,the sound of music filled students' ears. Before long, the lights dimmed as Jason Maloneand MattRexford tookthe stage. Withinseconds,they had uslaughingevenasthey gavethe announcements. The band led singing, encouraging students to praise God without reserve. The music relieved the stress of the week as our minds sought to worship God. The Top Ten List was always original and left many laughing so hard they cried, wondering where Jasonand Mattcameupwiththeideas. Oneoftheirgreatest moments came during the singing of"This is the Winter Quarter," a parody of Stephen Curtis Chapman's "The Great Adventure." Eventually, the mood became more serious as Jason shared some thoughts and convictions, usually starting with a personal example. Jason's goal wasto increase awareness ofthe need to become more like Jesus Christ. Hisfocus was on desire and discipline,as he challenged students never to settle for where they are in their Christian walk—waiting for God to drop another tragedy into our lives. Jason encouraged us to puton the armor ofGod,remembering thatthe reason there is notarmoron our kneesis because we should be on them. The SGA chapels brought a great mix of fun and insight,focused on our growing relationship with God. I- s eland