1998 Miracle Yearbook

by Mark Womack Jackets Kick VVay to Victoiy Men's Soccer team uses new talent to achievesuccess on the field TheCedarvilleCollegemen's soccerteamfinished the 1997 campaign with a6-9-1 record overall and 2-4-1 in the Mid- Ohio Conference under John McGillivray,whowrappedup his 24th year as head coach. TheYellow Jacketsbeganand endedtheseason withimpres- sive victoriestogoalong with anotherHomecomingwin.The kickersopenedwithanexciting 3-2 home victory over Mid- OhioConferencepowerTiffin University. The Dragons en- teredthematchhaving won10 oftheprevious13leaguetitles alongwithanine-gamewinning streak over Cedarville. How- ever, once Dave Rutledge scored the season's first goal 11:30intothe match,thehome teamnevertrailed.Rookiegoal- keeper MattPowers made his collegiatedebutwith 16saves. The Jackets later became the onlyregularseasonopponentto win at Mt. Vernon Nazarene. DavidRookescoredthewinner in the 2-1 decision and Matt Powersstoppedapenaltykick. CedarvilleedgedPhiladelphia CollegeofBiblebya2-1count intheannualHomecomingmatch. Thetwoteamsplayed ascore- less first half before Dave Rutledgescoredforthe'Ville. AftertheEaglestiedit,Michael Hidalgonettedthegamewinner withDavidRookeassisting.The remaininghighlightcameinthe seasonfinale wheresevenYel- lowJacketseniorsbidfarewell with a 4-1 home victory over longtimerivalAsburyCollege. Itwasfittingthataseniorfigured ineveryCedarvillegoal.Rooke paced theteamin scoring with six goalsandtwoassistsfor14 points. He was named to the NCCAA All-AmericaSecond Team, the All-MOC Second Team,and was selected team MVP. Rutledge, who tied Hidalgoforsecondinteamscor- ing withfivegoalsandthreeas- sists(for 13 points each),was againvotedtotheAll-MOCFirst Team.HejoinedRookeonthe All-NCCAA MidwestRegion First Team. Rockwood was tabbedtotheAll-NCCAAMid- westRegionSecondTeamwhile Powerswasan All-MOCSec- ondTeamchoice.SeniorsAndy Shaw and Ben Haffey were NCCAAAll-AmericaScholar- Athletes. Men'sSoccerTeam: Row 1:(kneeling 1-r)BrettCarmichael,Jason Tovey,Tim Amstutz,MichaelTharp,Andy Shaw,Russ Pound,Reade Faulkner, Jeff Rockwood,David Rooke,Michael Hidalgo,Chris Brock,Tim Prusha, Aaron Cook,Pete Warinsee, Duane Hammond, Assistant Coach Roger Swigart. Row 2:(standing 1-r) Student Trainer Jim Amstutz, Manager Bill Worlcman, Jon Faulkner, Ben Nordaas, Chad Deakyne, Mike Moran, Nick Spaulding,Roddy Willis, Ben Haffey,Tim Rickert,Dave Rutledge,Josh Tackett, Derek Chandler,Matt Powers, AssistantCoach Jim Hunter,Head Coach John McGillivray. 240 athletic events