1998 Miracle Yearbook

by Charis Perez YXS94_ay '." A Fa m il Y Gathering undreds ofkids and teenagers invaded Cedarville February 13-15 for Li'l Sibs Weekend. This weekend provided siblings with the opportunity to explore our world. Boysfollowed theirolderbrother'sleadaroundcampus,and girls mirroredtheir oldersister'srelations with people. Siblings,cousins,and youngerfriendsalikeabsorbed the atmosphere ofCedarville College. Li'l Sibs Weekend offered several opportunities for visitors to see their college sibs in action. The weekend exploded with the WinterGamesin the AC. Coordinated byCAB,students and visitors had a variety ofevents in which to compete. Pitching contests, mountain climbing, velcro-suit obstacle challenge and a bungi run. In between contests,sibs had personal caricatures drawn or participated in karoki. Siblings used these games as warm-up for late night activities. This year,late night skate andlate nightbowlingwerehighlightsatthe midnighthour.In additiontothese activities,theLabBand presented a free concert in the Jeremiah chapel to accommodate thosejazz loving visitors, or those without energy for the Games. Abaseballcardshow washeldSaturdayafternoon. ThenSaturdayevening,Cedarville Jacketswere the highlight. Next generation Cedarville fans grooved with the pep band and cheered on the players with"webackthe Jackets alltheway!" Afterthegame,studentsandsibs moveduptotheSecondFloor for ADO/DOE's annual Cupid's Bash. Helping kids with their trays at Chuck's,being cautious on sidewalks when rushing to class,and enthralling them with dorm life is a welcomed treat for Cedarville students. all photos submitted by Blackburn ..Aaren Meyers takes her lil sib to meet Chuck McKinney and to taste some college cafeteria entrees. lilsibs 27