1998 Miracle Yearbook
by Ken Borror w/ye/ /9&cv Cedarville's 101st Birthday n January 26,1998, Cedarville College celebrated its 101st birthday since the building ofFounder's Hall in 1897. SymphonicBandandJubilatehelped toleadthefestivitiesduringtheChar- ter Day chapel through special mu- sic.Symphonicbandplayedamusing rendition ofCedarville's alma mater. The guest chapel speaker was Dr.Timothy George,senioreditor forChristianityToday.Dr.George gave an inspirational message on faith and assurance of salvation. He told ofMartin Luther's search foragraciousGod and hisjourney to find the Lord and have an inti- mate relationship with Him. His last words were,"The body they maykill,theKingdomabidethstill." Thispromisewasespeciallyimpor- tantonCharterDayasweexamined the past, present, and future of Cedarville College. Some have said that there are three ingredients for Cedarville's success: a strong constituency, strongleadership,andstrongcom- munity support. The College has been richly blessed because ofits foundationandGod-honoringpri- orities of devotion to Christ, an academically strong,God-honor- 30 student life ing education,and service to the community. From two gradu- ates in 1898 to 410 in 1997, God's blessings of growth and strong leadership are extremely evident. Our past presidents have left a legacy ofdedication to God and a desire for college growth, and this legacy is being carried on by our current presi- dent, Dr. Dixon. If we continue to look to our Savior and our godly heritage for guidance,the 21st century will also be marked by a superb quality ofeducation and a never-ending devotion to Jesus Christ our Lord. Pictured above are His- tory Professor, Dr. J Murray Murdoch (left) and Cedarville College President,Dr.PaulDixon (right), both photos by David Blackburn
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