1998 Miracle Yearbook
byErica Chung c,T .CC44.0/4 A life of service: Dr. David Drullinger ,___W ut as for me,it is good to be near God. Psalm 73:28a(NIV) Known as an avid San Fran- cisco 49ers' fan and a friend of the students,Dr. Drullinger is a familiar face around campus. Described as a man of conviction, Dr. Drullinger exemplifies his life verse Ps.73:28a in his ministry at Cedarville. This verse is his guiding principle, a "North Star'' for his life. It guided him to Cedarville in 1989,to pursue a ministry in teaching and equipping young men and women to be all they can in Christ as they prepared to go out in their various fields and voca- tions. A graduate ofWestern Baptist Col- lege,Dr.Drullinger pursued his Mas- ters Degree at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary and received his Doctor of Ministry Degree from Western Bap- tist Conservatory in 1980. Before arriving to Cedarville, he taught at Western Baptist College for seven years,served on their board oftrust- ees,and pastored a church in Keizer, OR for seven and a half years. Dr. Drullinger's arrival at Cedarville shows how God guides people where He wants them to be. Dr. Drullinger had taken a year off the pastorate and felt called back to teaching. He and his wife were in a cabin without the modern conve- niences when he received a letter from Cedarville College. He didn't apply for a job, but agreed to visit and has been here ever since. His ministry at Cedarville has been varied. Teaching is the fo- 6 dedication investment in the future, for he sees each student's "world changing po- tential." His goal is to help the stu- dents have a dynamic relationship with God based on the internal, and his affinity for liberal arts helps him train the students for the future and the ministry they will have in their different areas. He loves Blackburn g i.David Drullinger and his wife,Mrs.Helen Drullinger. the interaction with the students for they have enthusiasm. He is also a writer of Sunday School curricu- lum for Radio Bible Press, the spiritual advisor for CAB, pastor at Washington Heights, and con- ference and chapel organist. In the past year, he has written and recorded a daily program, Minute for the Church, which has been broadcast on eighty radio stations in the United States. He is a friend the lay person and addresses the ch lengesofliving out yourfaith in Chr through involvement in the loc church. The program has faith listeners and has received posit' comments from pastors, counselo and even prison inmates. Dr. Drullinger is described by s dents and faculty as an excelle teacher,one who challenges studen to think and is concerned about st dent needs. His peers describe him a godly man,a man ofconviction,y willing to listen. His love for peop is seen around campus. Dr. Ja Riggs,Chairman ofthe Bible depa ment,says"Dr.Drullinger often us the word 'wonderful' with a sense emotion and awe to describe som thing. To use his word, I consid him to be a wonderful man ofGod, a devoted husband and father, fait ful teacher of truth, and a truste friend." No article about Dr.Drullinger ca be written without mentioning hi helpmeet. Throughout their 36 yea marriage, Mrs. Drullinger has sup ported Dr. Drullinger's ministry,an has contributed in her own way. Dur ing her recent bout with cancer,thei realization ofthe fragility oflife ha increased their oneness. It has als strengthened the message of Ps 73:28a. In context,some things wil not matter,but other things will. A they begin their tenth year of ser- vice here in Cedarville,there is no- where else they would rather be. "We thank God [literally] everyday for bringing us to Cedarville Col- lege."
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