1999 Miracle Yearbook

.9`,9(5)-'99 Rucrke ayertrf ,Togr titelive-woytou oteiBethei tdeitiI tAwAite- for * Kezia McNeal moved across 72 from Faith to McKinney, while alumni Lori Anderson, Lyndel Rising,andTabithaSheen launched their careers as RD'sin Printy,Faith,and Maddox,respectively. All three were anxious to spend time getting ac- quainted with the women in theirdorms.Rising en- couraged the women of Faith to find a balance be- tween their relationships withGod,schoolwork,ac- tivities, and ministries. In every residence, a dorm room is a combina- tion of study car- rel, bed- 3 oom, hangout, and sanc- tuary. With a living space this multi-fac- e t e d, some- times you Student Services Office. Oneofthe best waysto judge the personalities in a room is observing the computer. Junior Stacy Roman made good use of her computer by install- ing a Mopey the Fish screen saver.Failure to feed Mopey twice a day, ortappingonthe glasstoo often made the poor fel- low float belly-up across the screen. Other stu- dents indulged their ani- mal loving instincts by hosting live pets in the dorm. Unfortunately, dorm pets are limited to an that can- not sur- vive out of water. Senior Christina Lay en- joyed her pet Beta, Mothra, while her room- mate,jun- iorKristan Gott,took care ofBertand Ernie the goldfish. In Bethel, exceptions were the name of the game. The administra- stMetNitzei Adam8rdlik n ever upc, acc4 know what will be going on. There are roommate matches made in heaven, and then there are unsuc- cessful pairsformedbythe studiesftraiv tUttillg aczun,. 0 STUDENT LIFE 2.,ethle-pta donitfcaw-Jahr afg Cedarville-/co. wg.r khhr wayftr dieKew Am tion smiled on the soon to be torn down dorm, al- lowing residents to keep more unusual pets and providing funds for the dorm's Titanic extrava- ganza at Open House. JuniorShawn Dabravalskas was proud to be a crewmemberfor the final voyage and will miss Bethel next year. "Most certainly,thedesiretopre- serve historicarchitecture permeatesthe heartsofus all," Dabravalskassaid. Over Homecoming Weekend Bethel hosted an open house for visitors. In Bethel's last year,even the most progressive of Cedarville residents found asoftspotintheirheartsfor thedorm that wentthe way ofthe old steeple. kris& Krata Warder andStephanie Aittanfa lounge,around. (far top) atide,ticability, or lack thereofi by participating in, beadtballvolleyball.