1999 Miracle Yearbook

A record 103 people uditionedforCedarville's winter drama produc- tion,Little Women.Thatnum- ber was a prediction of how popular the play would be. AlfordAuditorium waspacked forallfourperformances,Feb- ruary 11-13. The cast portrayed the story of the four March sis- ters who dealt withjealousy, societal roles,death,illness, love,and marriage.Thestory took place during the Civil War era. "All four girls had the couragetogo after whatthey wanted," said Ghena Marchetti who played Jo. Theoldestsister,Meg,strove to protect her sisters, and bring security to those around her.Shefoundjoy in marriage and motherhood. Jo wanted to be a good author who wascreative and incontrol,anunusualrolefora womanliving atthattime.She found completion when she fell in love with Professor Bhaer, a man who inspired hertoward herdreams. Thethird sister,Beth,had a very quiet courage. She used music to cheer those around her until illness and deathovercameherfrailbody. Amy,the baby ofthefam- ily,enjoyed art and worked very hard to be ladylike. After an awkward teenage stage,Amy blossomed into a lovely young woman who married the March's long- time friend and neighbor, Laurie,to become mistress of his estate. The four March sisters remained dedicated to each other through joy and sor- row.They also enjoyed the supportoftheir parents,Mr. and Mrs.March,their maid, Hannah,and Mr.Laurence, 11 -ammars-to be,girts;tightou,tat-tke,marck,kousekoldtokigkt. Laurie's grandfather. Director Mischelle McIn- tosh wanted toemphasizethe strong family ties in Little Women."Families are the coreofoursociety." McIntosh said."In a day and age when our society is tryingtoredefinefamilies,it's importanttoseethefamilyasa placeofacceptance,ofsafety, and love. I wanted the audi- ence to walk out of the the- ater holding hands with their family members,feeling abit closer." stctrydrNbison 0ARTS P fus-or Baker(citratofer) Te.attire.play castpicturedabove,(ftr a,complete, akotio(marcketti)fek41# castlistfeetke,ftllowingpage). s-e& /e,to ve,.