1999 Miracle Yearbook

Trustfet JautieScheid Ste/dug,Hout Brian,Shook, P Tate, 8riag,qornick 844-itom.& Jaw,McCaw- BRASS CHOIR Charles Paggard, Director Freitcip Her& Amy Sokg, Julie.Saucier Jos-erk,Mickey Jeggifer Weaver Tyler grown, Peratzion, Stryckalski Bregdog,McDowell Brian,Daut:s Tromboxb Kyle,Harris-on, Jack Barbot, Debbie, Pittmart, Philir Thorreg, Pcull DiCairo:, Tuba, Chris qrs-on, The Brass choir is a selectgroup ofbrass andpercussion players,someplaying togetherforfouryears. under the direction of Mr. charles Pagnard,thisgroup peormedinchapel,themusicshowcaseConcert,theHomecomingPraise Concert, and thechambermusicConcert.Theyalsoplayedforseveralarea churches.over thepastfewyears,theyhaveheldministrytourstoisrael,Hungary,Italy, France, and later Greece. Thechoir wasalso thefirstmusicdepartmentensemble toproducea nationally released recording,with their repertoireofclassicalandscared music.Their CD"At the Last Trumpet"received attention this year when it was reviewed by the international Trumpet Guildjournal. Phop?Ayck LAB BAND/BRASS CHOIR0