1999 Miracle Yearbook

Teams This- year, cedartia&studehtsserved on/23churchministry teai44s thatworkedatlocalcluu-ches OK/ Saitday worhingsand eveningsandthroughout the weekday evehihg. T ese,children,and Cedarvill&students- enjoy Slitgulg OK/Scutday morning at Cornerstone, Baptist Churckitsprinifteid. AIRWAY BAPTIST FRONT:Arnie Bockstahler, Nicole Carpenter BACK:Heidi Kinniburgh, Kathy Steingass working with/thepeopl&atAirway has bee su it. bles-sing. To se&a/grot,fi o peopt&trustitlg ikt,th,e,Lordtopro them,with,alltheyKeaisan,awesome, tes-timoty to whatgodcan,really do. iVicole, Carpenter TA&Puithtry Matzka tat- Sethetwas in/ decisiokt/topurs-ae/ Ivor witkjaktior higkstudent-3: They amreaching outandheedanswers,and we asteachers,- pa,stor,s- counselors,- and parents heedto bethereto answerthem,. Erik('Lee, MINISTRIES