1999 Miracle Yearbook

FAITH BAPTIST FRON T:Jordan Natalino,Scott Moodie,Annntarie Reynolds BACK:Brian Neises,Daniel Price,John Moodie We kia aftawesoweyearatFaitk. The,ch4urckissogoodto us,aiath& team/workedtogether t'wredibv welt. Jordan,Nataiino FAR HILLS BAPTIST itwasso to work,witkyoung Wsthat Comdr.&Lordso kwitckau to see,whatth&Lord wasdoing in/their itheS overthe,c.ours-eofayear. Repute, yogi FRONT:Renae Vogt,Dan Buckler, Kelly Lambert BACK:Ben Rosner,Brian Davis,Phil Wing FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST Th.&church,wasmalt,butth&people/ hadsu,ckbtq hearts. They yea&reached outto &aitdlove e44,&. Ifeltlik&Iwas the/olt&being ministeredto. Crystal Gripe FRONT:Amy Twigg, Heather Cripe BACK:Crystal Gripe, Heather Maybury CHURCH MINISTRIES -1-79