1999 Miracle Yearbook
SPRINGFIELD CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER We, showedtiles& wow/ten/thatu.i&care, and qodgave,usamazing opportunities to touclitheir livesftr Sarah Pos- ate. FRONT:Jeanette Irish, Laura Fturnrnitzsch, Michelle Corning,Amy Belding BACK: Caren Furst, Melissa Blore,Sarah Posegate, Christine Trages, Christine Lancaster DAYTON DETENTION HOME This minatryallowedweto be u,s-edby th& bic. Spiritifrr,a/wayIwould kali& gem-image e possible/. 8ystepping out ofpry co rtzofte littl6 the,Lord rea4us we,to show-th's love,to some, "edYPes9P-1&.. 0,,,,t, &„ FRONT:Michelle Bridges, Kristina Bilodeau, Alicia Rambikur BACK:Joshua Miller,Scott Cameron MINISTRIES GREENE COUNTY JAIL Tirt& atotate,s-tes* to the/byte/itofthis ministry throug11/their coututitm.entto attekaing tk studeht-1edstudies. Those, thathave,been,vet-m/s-aorthathaveleft to servei prisokt,rv'lecta,5-traria/toted f aith with/their letters- ofencou,ragememt. Beh Molder FRON T: Marlena Proper,Cortney Kirkland, Kyra6-ray, Katie Mumrnau,)essica Alexander BACK: David Cookjeremy Tencio,Jason Alexander, Benjamin Mohler,Michaet Wenger, David liarrison
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