1999 Miracle Yearbook
DAYTON GOSPEL MISSION FRONT:Meredith Fteckrote, Abbey Beck,Julie Trout BACK:6-regory Rheam,Kristin Schutter,Paul Abraham 14/& outwithate kids,a dit-is <licegettifti to kitouratem, it'sgreat seeiktg them,learkt,aboutqodaptvtget involved ikr,tit& Bible,stories. Pazd Abraham, OUTRE#A91 THE OTHER PLACE FRONT:Matt Nituiser, Philip Thorsen,)ack Bailey Th4001/ WAS a.modestntigistry with/ 14 ,ti attektdanze,attit& Bible.stadiacm yprouato be,reward Mos& attite,shelter aktAdftr u,s- well. Jacic Salley OPEN HEIRS FRONT:Michael Cross, Rob Kocher,John Bailey,DanielSudlow,Phil McCubbin, Trent Ftamilton, Ken Mansfield,Stephen CT- raines, Stephen Ftallgren, Lance Ferguson, Molly McClure ROW 2:Jenny Maass,Laura Fturnrnitzsch, KristiJonker,Aaron Dieringer, Eric Mitchell, Rachel lieffield, Emily Albanese,Beth I-Eollins ROW3:Jena Burns,Ruth Wagner, Jessica Flynn, Megan Rause, Veronica Lawton, Esther Fwigg, Katie Livingston, Ftannah Livingston,Beth Cooley, David Matwitz ROW4:)ewel Alley, Nikki Dillefield, Kimberly Tipton,Angela Brooks,Rubie Maybttry, Monique Nicolalde ROWS:Andrea Weber, Heather Kemp,Adam Rorex, Lori Turner, Michelle Ftorrte, Karen aeeninger,Amy Cliffe ROW6:Jeremy 13ustle, Dan Byrne,Tim Staufer, Kyle Prowitz,Tim RickertJared Anolegate, Carrie Miller, Aleesha Hager, Tim Cochrell 13ACK:Jeremy Tencza,Chuch Hicks,Jeremy Mailer,Ryan Kurzen,Jean Osborne, Willy Shelton,Amy tett Brink, Brock Weston Nash,Meghan Mohrland,Amber Zedwick,Karie Artne LeppJohn Stedge, Erin Ewig,Joel MINISTRIES
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