1999 Miracle Yearbook

s Thestudent GovernmentAssociation atcedarville college is composed of many members,led by elected officers. These officers lead the association and allow itto complete its intendedfunctions. The SGA chaplain holdsaspecialrole ashe addresses thestudentbody each Fridayat SGA chapel. He alsoserves asa key organizerin the SGA services. Thisyear, SGA underwentrestructuringand adapted a new logo. Through these changes, SGA wasable to havea productive and effectiveyearasthey served cedarville collegestudents. SGA OFFICERS FRONT:Becky Crosson,Dick WalkerjeffBeste,Sarah Carr MIDDLE:Elizabeth Morris,Andrew Blodgett,Kelly Ford BACK:PaulDiCuirci,LanceHarkelroad, Shawn Brennan,Mike Lowstetter o:- ORGANIZATIONS