1999 Miracle Yearbook
23avial Ilnic,12ev-bnclzey Nei!0.1)-1.1ate okitmood&and Anitotarie, Reptoids- ftcasintottly Olt the, song athand. Seh/4g eYeltig C01411-tdalhy 73r. VerPtoptWitalg waylite- -worsit!)-fetfimie-to the wet-km/7/evowed/arta.,o),(1- tAir coxcertwasdtat tke- walg kvigrti.cf) -axt. cogcertparticipur,fou4(u4 sings- outim,praise,4uutwors-kir. 0 STUDENT LIFE Other college music groups involved were Jubilate, a Homecoming praise team, Women'sChoir,Men'sGlee Club, the Orchestra, and a variety of soloists. The con- cert was titled "Glory,Honor and Praise, An Invitation to Blended Worship". In Dr. Whaley's forward, he said, "Glory, Honor and Praise is all aboutthe worship Trafir Coxcert- ofJehovah God - whoalone is worthy ofourlove and adora- tion." Staff member Matthew Moore used dramatocommu- nicatethe messageto worship- pers. Junior nursing major LindsayWagnerhelpedsetthe toneoftheevening with Scrip- ture recitations from Revela- tion and I John. Senior nursing major Sarah Martin attended the Praise gxelrgx Olfm Concert."It was really wor- shipful. It wasn't a production at all. I liked that we got to participate too.Thatwasmean- ingful." Despite the gala activities of Homecoming weekend, the Cedarvillefamily madeita pri- ority to worship the Creator. This act reinforces our motto, "For the Word ofGod and the testimony ofJesus Christ."
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