2000 Miracle Yearbook

'Jesus said '/am the resun·ection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even thougb he dies; a1ld whoever lives and believes i1l me will never die."' jolm 11:25-26 Matt :J{(u[(er ~i3ttHadlcrl0'<1!3t~;IT\'IIICfOrJll!l$iX months, but Ill th~t time he lx:c~mc a close friend andgre~ttcamm:Hctoanumlx:roftr;ock~thletes arniO!hcrsatthccollcb"'· H~dlcrtrnnsfcrrL-clfrom the Uni"crsity of Wi~onsin-Milwaukce Ht the bcginningofwimcrqu~ncr 1999. He came to C..-clar"illelookingforaplncctolx:cncourn!,>t.'l.l spirimally and to do 10·h:ot he cnjo)·ed most"'ithagroupofChmt ianathlctcs. Hadlcr"-aspas.sionatcaboutrunning. liketherearenot enoughgoOOthings to ~~.~y aboo.•t him," Nchussaid. 1\f\att Had\~ •'~4..!!... ..........-.--...... He W3$Committed 10 htstcamm:otL"S anddedicatedtotlwtrnmingthat t$nec<$13rytowcc«d. Manypeoflle ..·ercattmctedto HadlerbccaU5CheenJO)'edalt~t e,-e..,·one.and he wQUidn'tlctthc little things in ltfebothc.orhim. Hehad awi ld Mreakthatrondccp despitchtsquoetdt,mc.oanor,and peopkadmired himforhisknack for ha"ingfunandabilnytomJO)'!.fc. Eddie Nehus ""'a good fnend and oftcnoncofHadler's tmmt~partner.s H:ldlcr'scomri- butionstothetcams "'erem~ny e\'Cil though he was onl y here a short ti1ne . CoochElvin King $3 id, ~Matt set the t011e for the ..-orkoun. which was kind ofama:mg because he'dbeen hcrcl~'$$th.~na )~ar. Hewasaka.ckr. He was fun-loving ... He knew a Mnmgcr ... He looked for ways to e n courage reople.~ HadletlO\·edhisfirstm monthsat~ar-.•tlleand wasloolcingforwardtogcttmg backafterthesummer. Heluod game in Oct riot. Along the way he had an accident wnh his motorcycle wh01:h claimed his life. M;onyfriends and teammate$ were able to attend Hadler's funeml in Wisconsin. Hadler's mot.hcr$usan$aid,"ljust "-ant the students to know how much ~arville meant to Mau. He " <l!i to excited about going back and seeing his friends atid the kids on the CI"OS$ country team. WeaJll'fttiate thecoochesandkids whoca1rte tO Man's funeral and ~moria! ser-.•ice. As much as "~ IIlllS Man --~nd "'e milS him ,·ery much -"'C al'f'rec•atealltheschooldidforhim.~ on the cnm country and track te-.tms. "He wasoneofthe[greatestlb'IJ)'Stobearound. l-le"'a'l oneofthemostdedic:nl 'l.lrunn.cr ,; l \~everkrw:wm. E'"erydayinpracticc.ohe"11lithconctopushe'"ery imerval ... Hc was al ..-ays in a good mood, and nobody e\·cr had any problems with him. It s..-cms arranged 10 li\"e with three other sentorson the track team for the next year. lnmid-September,Hadlerandt"'O<Hiwrs luodmO\·edintothatapanmcnt. On Sunday September 19"' Hadler was on his way to tnl'CI his family for a Packets/Lions football Teammate Drew Nelson said, "I probably kne~>' more of who he ,.-as just from hearing people tall: about him. I dtdn't know him ,..,..,. long. He workedlokeanamrnal:e\'ef)'racehernn,hcrnn ashardashe!XISStblycould. Hedidthe u~ thing me.-cf)·areaofhisltfe. Hetoldmeonce duringci"OS$COUntry camp about how he rcall)' enjoyedlast)"earand~>-alkingaroundcampusat\d 1\C\'Cr hearing the Lonh name taken in vain. He rcall)' lo\'edGod, and you could see that.~ 'Dr. S fiarcm 'Eimers Sharon Eimers Jt,,·doped a strong fumily bond of lo\'e :u a duld in the small town of Ripley, New York that she ~>"OUidcarry withherforthe restofherlifc. Sharon Eimers W3$thc first born ofscnn children When she was thinecn months old, her late father wTO!etnalcnertoher. ~My!karestdarlingdaughter, I a>l: this prn)·er that God, with yQUr .,....., help, "'Ill bnng youthroo.oghlil\,'stnabandtribola1iomandmayyougrow up to be wonderful, beautiful, and lo.~ly hke your m;oma." It was this l<wing de\'otion that Eimers shared w11h her famt]y and her smdents. Sharon and Lee were m.~rri«< on August 24. 1962. in First Baptist Q-.urchof Ripley, New Yori:. Together,they reared three gtrls: Tamt. Ktm, and Renee, whorcech·cd all the lo-.·e and devmiontheirparenrscouldoffcr.WhentheEimets' daughters got married, they g.-aciously extended their lo..cat\dcareto"-ardtheir50TIS-in-law After a long b.-.ule, Sh.-.ron Etmen succumbed to bone C11neer dum~ the spring qu.~nerof2C<XJ. She taughttntheeducatiOOdrpanmentatCcdarvillcC«lege, tn.stillongmherStudent:~herdesirctoimpactandeducate. ~sne was an ama:•ng "'oman and a great testimony for us all. Onethongl'llal"-a)'Stelrtembcrherteac::hing us" that"~ arc ne\-crtoobwytotah the ti1rte topray. 1 kno"' that me belie•·ed m the \'aluc, neces.sity, and Jl'O"'erofpra)~r.and showedm that by the "-ayshe l"·ed,"$3idoneol'herSiudcnlS,NadineTO!ll$3. Mary Zuleg.-r $aid, "When I think of Dr. Eimers, I