2000 Miracle Yearbook
In their four years of college, the senior class "'<Itched the CedarvilleCollege campus change and grow drama tically. They experienced the flnal da~<s in the old Jeremiah Chape l, where students signed into chapel on a clipOOard and coi ned the tenn, Hslash and dash." They also experienced the enormity and beauty of the Dixon MiniHry Cent er and new Jeremiah Olapel. Tiley witnessed the end of Bethel and the addition of the McKinney, McChesney, johnson, :md St. Clair dorms. Yet, the change that they will probably remem· ber mOiit is that they were the last class to graduate from Cedarville College. Despite the changes, it was st ill uue that Cedarville remained true to the Word ofGod and the testimony ofJesusOuist. 1l'lc okl jnnniah Oupd now has a txw look with tkAppk TcchnologyRe.ourccCmm-. CIWSmM Mec:hanic:aiErWncrrins Cambridce.OH
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