2000 Miracle Yearbook
-S _E - N - I -O _R - sp 0 nsor Jeff Beste, husband, father, As- Hill and McChesney. For one sistant Direcwr of Campus Ac- year.hescr>oedasDirecwrofO:tm- tivitie:s,andmusicianwasthespon· muniry Minisnies, and in 1998 he sor of the class o{ ZCXXl. Most lx.-came the Assistant Direc10r o( students knew Jeff as one of the C1mpus Activities. In the Oun- rnembel".'l of the srnff th:u sang on pus Activities Office, he organi:ed stage during Bible conferences. concerts,supcrvisedthesnackshop Some kncl'' him for his involve- onthesccondf\ooroftheAthletic ment in "·orship at Grace B.1ptist cemer, and worked with student Church in Cedarville. Tlte mcm- organi:ations 10 develop leaders. bers of Thew Rho Epsilon knew As the senior sponsor, Jcffo,·cr- him as their advisor. Most impor- tanttojcffwasth:uhiswifcShcllcy and his daughters Kylie and Sara knew him as husband and f:uhcr. In 1982,Jcffjoinl'<IG.'<Iarvi lle's s.1.w class activities and made him- selfavtlilable as a resource to the class. He said, "It isfungening10 knowthcofficcrsandthcstudcnts." He enjoyed "watching the students student b.xly, pbnnit"lg to stay only grow over four years ... It's hard 10 one year. He quickl1• chang~'() his see them graduate" he .>aid, but "e· mind after he got to know other mail is a wonderful thing.~ The students and sotw them ~e:rtdtcd convenience of e-mail helped Jeff about their rel:uionship with the to keep in touch with the many Lord.~ He gmdu.11ed in 1987 and students that he had goucn 10 rnught middle school math for one know in his seventeen rears at year. In 1988, Jeff came back to G.-darville. Hegaincdmanyfriends Cedar\•ille Collei,>e to work in the as the sponsor of the dassof2000. admissions office. and Jeff was excited about using e- jeff worked in the admissions llUiil in order to continue contact
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