2000 Miracle Yearbook

s-E-N-1 -o-R~ daY The Saturday before their last under- graduate ex:nns. seniors rook a day for themseii•C$. Senior Da}' was a time for seniOt"$ to s.1y their preemptory good- byes 10 friends, bol:h old and new. Many seniorsuscdthcopponunityjostiO hang out one last time with their collei,'C buddies. The seniors wen:: able to buy dis· CO\Lntl-d tickets to King's Is land, where the newest ride was "Son of Beast." Tlu.• roller coaster was wooden and intended 10 be traveling to the rh·crboo.t. Unforto· natel\·. they missed the cruise but had an opponunity to wave 10 their das>mates astheboo.t laterpassedundemcaththe bridge. Throughout the evening, seniors en· joyed eating and reminiscing about their nearly finished collcgedays. A birthday cake for Shelley Bes te, wife of senior advi sor Jeff Beste, was part of the festiv ities. an even bette r ride Bill Su:wan, Mm Pl:•:ujc, R.xhd Vol?". and than the original ChriJ HC2<lings are overjoyed 10 iK at S..nior Day. ~Beast." Many se- niOI$ took this oppon.uniry. At 6:30 the seniors began boo.rding a rh·erboo.t for a dinner cmise. Some students had 10 ba ttle traffic in order to arrh·c on time. Sc\·eral students were and musica l chairs. Live musical cmer- tainment was provided by Cedarville College students. Despite a do"'npour of rain towards the end of the cruise, the trip was a memorable and enjoyable evening for Healher Van Gorp and Anna Spnts watch the limbo Cl)llltst ftom the~dincs. to the trip. ~