2000 Miracle Yearbook

MDo~·otuhinlo: in•·ill rain today!" a friend "Don't quit on your Sfl'CIIISC, your parents, chil- asl<~ Dr. Dixon before the 104th Annual dren, or God." Commencement a t Cedau•ille College. lonni<:Nolt,agnoduatingseniorwhoinjured his leg m a molorcycle accident atrhe beginning of the school year and had to have it amputat~ has already learn~ this lesson. During Dr. Dixon's com- Dr. Maw.n leads the procusion of g~duatcs fromthegymn:asiumtothechapcl. "l'msohappyto have finished. Ol'coorse l willmissallmyfriends,my profCSIK!T5 who taught muo much, and the town ol Cedarville. I 1'\C\"tt thought I'd say it, but I'm =llygoingtomissthi5placc." Dr. Oixonpasscdoneocooragingwords tothegraduates,inclOOingwhat"'OUldbc· come !hesixlll()l5{ importantda)'softheir lives: birth, salvation, graduation, mamage. the binh of chtldren, and the day suxlems The college began a new tradition by handing out Bibles to allthegnoduates. Dr. Dixon said !hat with the final clau graduating from Cedarville College, he "'ant~ to emphasi:c rhc foundation of rhe college and importance of God's Word.